KIRF KIRF - Disaster Relief & Sustanable Support through Education    
Kirwin International Relief Foundation  
Oldonyo Sambu Primary School, Tanzania Mark and Diane Kirwin, Bodhgaya, Bihar, India Tsunami Orphans Maasai Cattle, Tanzania
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  KIRF News  

KIRF supporting education and skills training for the rural poor in Bihar, India
Over the last decade we have assisted with an education and health center at a school in Shekwara village in Bihar, India in the following ways:

  • Sewing center supplies: sewing machines (three, non-electric Singer), textiles, sewing supplies and funding for the sewing teacher’s salary.
  • Electricity and clean drinking water: KIRF purchased and delivered a generator for electricity that powers the school's water pump that provides safe drinking water
  • Physical education supplies: soccer, cricket, volleyball, fitness, games, and badminton.
  • Local curriculum-specific educational supplies: textbooks and writing supplies.

free sewing class

Anniversary of KIRF's tsunami disaster relief in Thailand

KIRF logo KIRF was recognized as an official contributor to the Thailand's tsunami relief by the country's well-regarded sustainable development and public health organization the Population and Community Development Association (PDA). KIRF created an educational scholarship for tsunami orphans with the PDA and Rajabhat Phuket University.

Read more about KIRF's disaster relief in Thailand >




  KIRF Updates  
  Updates are on Twitter and Facebook when we have an active disaster relief project.
  You can make a difference  

Please support our grassroots disaster relief and sustainable development. Our disaster relief is done by experienced volunteers who pay their own airfare. Your donation can make a difference.

Donate online:

Donate by mail:

Kirwin International Relief Foundation (or "KIRF")
c/o Kirwin & Francis LLP
260 Maple Court, Suite 220
Ventura, CA 93003 U.S.A.

Phone: (805) 650-1044

Checks should be made out to “KIRF" or "Kirwin International Relief Foundation":

The Kirwin International Relief Foundation is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization founded in the state of California Tax I.D. # 27-3431829. See our IRS Tax Exemption Acceptance Letter (PDF) >

The privacy of our donors is protected
The privacy of our supporters and the security of their online transactions on our web site are important to us. Private and personally identifiable information will not be given, traded, sold, released or otherwise communicated to a third party, without their consent. Read our Privacy Policy >

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Top of page photos (left to right): Mark Kirwin, Co-Founder of KIRF with his mother Diane Kirwin in rural Bihar, India. Photo: Kirwin International Relief Collection;
A home destroyed by the tsunami in flooded estuary near Bin Bang Bang, Thailand. Photo: Mark Kirwin;
Rotating photos:
Angela's new friends at hurricane evacuee campsite in Picayune, MS. Photo: Timothy Burdick/Brooks Institute of Photography
Tsunami orphans who need scholarships to continue school in Ranong Province, Thailand. Photo: Stephen Kirwin
Rebuilding Fish Farm with KIRF donations, Thailand. Photo: Jada
Water again in the village of Bandha – made possible by KIRF's donors. Photo: Rick Fendrick, MSPH;
Right Photo: Maasai cattle leaving over-grazed hillsides during dry season near Oldonyo Sambu, Tanzania. Photo: Angela Rockett Kirwin

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